Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The end is in sight....or is it?

I always forget how exhausting the end of the year is, but this year has to be even more exhausting. Between baseball, and cleaning up a flooded basement, things are ultra crazy! Yes, i did say flooded basement. Joy of our week! We ended up getting 4.5 inches of rain last Sunday and Tuesday we had a LITTLE water in our basement. By Tuesday night, we had an all out flood. No towels were enough to stop it and there was no shop vac quick enough to vacuum it all up. By the time we put a towel down, 10 minutes later, the water had rolled past it and taken over the basement. Finally, yesterday (Monday) the water is almost dry. Only a 1 week flood, feeling pretty good about our purchase! At least school is almost over!!!!

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