Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We have enjoyed celebrating Christmas with both sides of the family. We made it to Hesston in time for a full-on blizzard including high winds and lots of snow. Of course we escaped the heavy snow and wind of northwest Kansas whereas mom, dad, and all the rest of that family are in the ice and heavy snow area. Mark's excitement was that he saw a "large" oppossum that only he and his mom saw. It has come down from weighing 80 pounds to about 40. Shawna is still skeptical that is was quite that big. But overall we are enjoying our Christmas break even though Shawna is very sad she can't eat all the goodies. But just wait until March, she will have her Christmas snacks then!
Mark's photo of the "creature" doesn't really help his case!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow Days

I love snow days!! And watching it snow makes it more fun still! I made tassies and mint brownies. I have also wrapped some presents so now our tree is not lonely! Just think of the things that I could accomplish with another snow day!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

So much excitement

We have had all kinds on excitement the last couple weeks. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Atwood (where Shawna made the pies!) and then a nice trip to Denver for cousin Chelsey's wedding. After that, we did some leaf raking and Christmas decorating at home. What excitement. Oh, and of course we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary on the 1st and we got to see our son that night on another sonogram. He waved at us and it was very cute!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We have up our Christmas village and now I'm just waiting to put up some other Christmas things. I am my mother's daughter and grandmother's granddaughter!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Leaves vs snow

Well if I had to vote, snow would definitely win the more fun award but alas, we are stuck in Eastern Kansas with just leaves for company.


Now we have a nursery instead of a room to store things. We are very excited to welcome a crib and dresser to our furniture family. Now it really seems real in the nursery!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Baby boy or baby girl?

Well the results are in. We are having a little boy in March!! We are very excited. I saw this outfit and had to buy it to celebrate!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Are we in the right house?

Things look a lot better in our kitchen. Is it really even the same room? We really like our new floor and it only took 6 people 9 hours to install it. Mark only cut himself three times I think. Overall a successful adventure. Thanks so much to Sandy, Andy, Mom, and Dad.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pretty Color!

We've been busy stripping wallpaper and painting. We decided to have a "fun" summer project and that included getting rid of the wallpaper in the kitchen and start painting bedrooms. Surprisingly, we didn't start with the pink room.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Back to the sauna

So we enjoyed a nice weekend in Estes Park and the cool weather there. Once we returned to Kansas it seemed we brought the cool weather with us, but knowing Kansas, it won't stay long! We had a great time visiting family and meetin our new niece, Mary.

Monday, May 18, 2009

4 and counting!

Only 4 days left of school Five is you count inservice, but I never do! If I can unbury myself I might make a quick getaway. Really though I have no place to getaway to. At least until baseball is over!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

More Pics

More pics

Dirty Jobs

So we have been moving a lot of dirt and trying to get our basement put back together. Here are some fun pics of all the work!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The end is in sight....or is it?

I always forget how exhausting the end of the year is, but this year has to be even more exhausting. Between baseball, and cleaning up a flooded basement, things are ultra crazy! Yes, i did say flooded basement. Joy of our week! We ended up getting 4.5 inches of rain last Sunday and Tuesday we had a LITTLE water in our basement. By Tuesday night, we had an all out flood. No towels were enough to stop it and there was no shop vac quick enough to vacuum it all up. By the time we put a towel down, 10 minutes later, the water had rolled past it and taken over the basement. Finally, yesterday (Monday) the water is almost dry. Only a 1 week flood, feeling pretty good about our purchase! At least school is almost over!!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Working vs "Working"

So we are getting settled in our new house. I have the basement set up for scrapbook. It also contains my office. This way I can be downstairs "working" and no one will be able to tell the truth. Is she working or "working"!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Exciting News

So the exciting news these days is that we bought a house in Wamego. Now the fun starts, painting, cleaning, painting. We have to get rid of the really pink room. We are talking pink carpet, pink walls, pink blinds. For a person who doesn't like pink (me), this is a little much! Anyway, I've poster a picture of our new home!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Show and Tell

So apparently I'm the new show and tell for my principal. He is bringing people through my classroom right and left and it is very exhausting. All because I'm trying something new. Hmm, kinda makes me think I should not try new things very often!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Families share everything right?

We had a really enjoyable time visiting both our families over break. This was great to see everyone and play with the nephews. The only downfall is that people were sick and so now Mark and I have the gunk! Also starting up school not feeling well will not be fun but you gotta do what you gotta do. On other fronts, Mark and I have made an offer on a house! Yeah, space!