Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Crazy on the loose

So, mark decided to dress up Jordan's bear in outdoor gear. I don't know what his thoughts were. It's just another snow day.

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Snow day

What did the O'Halloran family do on their snow day?  Sledding? Snowball fight? Snowman?  Sorry, not enough snow.  So, let's play "sticker face."

Blog nerves

Mark is trying to post to he blog for the first time ever. He took A WHILE trying to come up with the perfect name. Let's see what he comes up with.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mmm mmm good

We discovered that Jordan loves tomato soup. He licked his bowl clean. Didn't really eat the grilled cheese but loved the soup.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Getting bigger

Jordan is growing up everyday. Today he is eating chips and salsa and drinking watered down tea and sitting next to daddy. What a life.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Long time no see

So it has been awhile since this blog has been updated. Between school starting, football games, graduate class, and many other things, we haven't had time to do any updating. So finally, I am forcing myself to do this. A quick review of the last few months:
1. Mark is coaching football again (2 or 3 games a week)
2. Shawna is taking a grad class (Wednesday night)
3. K-State is 6-0 (Attended every home game so far)
4. Jordan loves daycare (doesn't even care when we leave)
5. Mark is teaching new classes
6. Jordan is growing fast. Last check up 90% on height & 37% on weight. (very active boy)
7. Enjoying visitors (Keep coming to visit)

Enjoy the pictures of our last month. (Haven't taken too many since we haven't really been home)

Friday, August 19, 2011

It's over!

To celebrate the end of the first week of school we decided to treat ourselves to IHop. Jordan did have his own omelet but after eating half of that he decided he wanted what daddy was having. So Jordan tried Bacon, sausage, and a the sauce from a strawberry crepe. Yea for the end of the week!

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bright eyes

So my phone camera has a flash on it and I forgot it was in. So even after I shut it off, Jordan squints his eyes. It is pretty adorable.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Whatever it takes!

Jordan really wanted his blocks that were on a shelf in my craft room. Instead of sliding the box down he climbed on the shelf and got stuck. It was pretty cute.

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Speed racer

Mark had an old video game steering wheel. So he rigged it up for Jordan and he driving everywhere. Mark might say Jordan has my driving skills but I'll assume that means he is a great driver.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jdizzle's cribizzle

Sandy and Andy built Jordan this really nice playhouse out of a box. I don't know who had more fun, Jordan, Sandy, or Andy. Thanks Aunt Sandy and Uncle Andy!!!!!

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Story time

Jordan really likes to read books, magazines, direct TV directions, schwans catalogs, etc. It is pretty cute. He will climb up on the rocker or couch and just flip through it for a few minutes. Of course he gets bored and if it is a magazine type thing, it soon loses a few pages. It is fun to watch!

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Just farming

Jordan loves to sit on the tractor in the park. He would sit forever if we would let him. I wonder what he imagines himself doing.

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

I'm a big boy!

Jordan has learned to drink from a straw. This has been great when eating out and he get a carton of milk. Of course he still wants to pull it out and play but we hold it down and he does so well.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Travels to WV

So we left Omaha today to start our drive to west Virginia. We stopped to let Jordan wander a bit at bass pro shop. He enjoyed the big fish tank and various other things. Mark enjoyed a coonskin hat on J-man as well.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

This is a chair, right?

Jordan has decided it would be fun to take the top off his play table and climb aboard. He is so cute but we are really have to watch because he is enjoying climbing up things. Thank a lot for teaching him Aunt Sandy!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Eat this!!!

Jordan now opens his mouth as wide as he can to get you to open your mouth so he can feed you. Could he be any cuter!!!!

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Story Time

It was so cute. Jordan went to his room and came back with his peek a boo books for daddy to read with him. He lives to lift flaps right now so our peek a boo books are getting a lot of use!!

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nice day for a walk

We gad some very nice days this week. Jordan and I walked to the park and played and then travelled on home. I'll get more pics up later. Jordan finally fits into his ksu hat. Soooo cute!

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Five hour road trip

Getting excited about seeing granny and gramps Dillon. But I guess I will have to tolerate the drive first. Good thing my mom and dad planned ahead to leave late enough that it will be my bedtime and can sleep most of the drive.

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Park fun

You mean all I do is sit here and swing? The merrygoround with all those other kids looks more exciting. But I guess I will sit here and swing while mom put her phone in my face taking pictures. Oh the things we do for our moms.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Whose birthday is it?

It's mine!!!!!!! I am one today. Finally, no more 0 years old!

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Park fun

So we took Jordan to the park after school today. We put him in a swing and he tolerated it. He even smiled a couple of times. Then we tried to get him to climb through a tube for little kids and he sat down and wouldn't even walk to mom through it. So we let him down to just wander and he walked all over the park. He really wanted to go see the kids on the merry-go-round but we helped him resist. Overall, not a bad first park experience. The bad news was that I forgot my camera so there are no pictures to share. Well, I guess Mother Nature will have to give us another chance with good weather!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bath or nap?

We were moving my grandpa this weekend. Jordan's naptime hit in the middle so we laid him in the clean bath tub and he slept so well. He does have some aunt Sandy tendencies of sleeping in weird places.

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

A mechanic in training

Jordan has been doing some work on his "car".

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Read Set Bath!!

Our new bathroom is definitely looking awesome. We still have a lot of the cosmetic touches still to do and then we will be done. But Jordan is definitely enjoying the new tile along with the rest of us!

Snow Days!

We love snow days and apparently so does Jordan. He would have taken off and crawled all the way through the yard if we would have let him! Yeah for snow days!