Monday, December 29, 2014

Cuddle time with great grandpa

Cora and Alex had some great snuggle time with their great grandpa during Christmas with shawna's family.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


So long ago this blog was updated. I'll try to do better in the future. But here is some pictures and year in review high point.
New nephew
Jordan 2nd year of preschool
7 year anniversary
2nd birthday
4th birthday

Lots of toys and playing!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Thursday fun

We had a great day doing lots of fun things while mark was at work!
First we went to the tubes at Tuttle Lake.  One of them was open and gushing water.  The boys were very nervous and Alex would hardly let me set him down.  Jordan did ok on the side that was not open.  There were several fishermen there and one guy came over and showed the boys the "small" flathead catfish he caught.  The boys really enjoyed seeing the fish.  

Then we met up with Grandma Pam and went to the Sunset Zoo.  The boys (Jordan) enjoyed showing grandma and Cora all their favorite animals.  Jordan would even point out on the map where each animal was from.  They all did so well here.  The animals were cooperative in letting us see them pretty good too!
Then I took the boys to McDonalds with the play place and we had a nice lunch and the boys played for a short time.  I was trying to wear them down so they all would sleep.  I knew Alex would fall asleep on the way home but I wanted to tire Jordan out as well so he would go to sleep easily too.  I even took the long way home (Military Trail Road) but it was unnecessary.  I looked back to see how the boys were doing and this was the view at St. George.

Needless to say, they had fun and were exhausted.  Now to find something to do tomorrow!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sewer down!

They started the project of digging out the sewer today. It is quite the event for little boys to watch.

Water table

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Picnic weather

The weather today was so nice that there was no way we were going to get the boys inside. As a compromise, we had a picnic out back. The boys enjoyed the outdoor dining.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

New toys

The boys were enjoying new bath toys from grandma and grandpa O'Halloran! With both boys in, it was a lot of water flying out. We haven't established yet that bath and pool are not the same I guess.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring again

The kids have been house crazed. Hopefully spring is here to stay.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


So there a some days I really miss western kansas. As I am raking a ton of leaves this morning and mark is hauling branches I really miss it. I really don't remember raking leaves growing up and have not grown fond of it while living here. Oh well. All the kids enjoyed being outside this morning. Core was sporting Alex's coat and hat because it was still a little chilly. She also kept going into the neighbors yard wanting to get those leaves. Seriously girl our yard is big enough!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Slacker on duty

It has been a busy year and we have not had much of a chance to blog post.  So here are a few updated pictures!
Out littlest boy is growing fast and loves smiling for the camera.  Common words he says now are Dada, Mama, Jor, Please, More, Juice, Bye, Papa (grandpa), and is saying more and more everyday.  He loves to get things out and put them away.  Essentially he just loves to move things around.

Jordan loves his brother and is always trying to get Alex to play.  Alex follows Jordan around and loves playing with Jordan's toys.  They have their moments, but they really do get along well.

We had a great Christmas in Hesston.  The boys really enjoyed playing with their cousins.  Jordan still likes to walk around and tell everyone his cousins names.  We got some sledding in while we were there and had a lot of great play time.

Now for Christmas, they received these shirts complete with capes.  They have a great time running around playing super heroes.

And yes, even superheroes have to go shopping.  They were running around the house with the shopping cart and then playing hero.  They have been having a great break.

It is sad week as we have to return to work.  Jordan and Alex were very excited to see their friends and daycare and Jordan was very excited to go back to preschool.  My new years resolution is to update this more than twice this year.  Set the bar low and then see how it goes I guess.  Wishing everyone a happy new year!