Sunday, October 7, 2012

Down time

Alex enjoys some down time n his playmates while Jordan is in his bath. Often Jordan wants to play with Alex wherever he is sitting. It is cute but I would think even a 2 month old would want some space every now and then.

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Smartie pants!

So we were getting Jordan's bath ready and he informed us he wanted a bubble bath. He then picked up the bottle of bubble bath, looked at the back and said, "It says put bubbles in bath." Pretty smart thinking for our little 2 year old.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

2 months down

This was a week of doctors for Alex. First, Monday we took Alex to the children's dermatologist at children's mercy in Kansas city. He was diagnosed with a spot of mastocytoma. Nothing major, just a nuisance for now. But while there he had to wear a hospital gown. It was pretty cute but yet a little sad that thy have to make gowns that small. Then today, he had his 2 month check up. He weighed 15 pounds 11 ounces (98%) and was 26.25 inches (99%). He is doing great and obviously growing fast. He did have to have 2 shots today and didn't like that at all. Tomorrow marks the end of my play days with the boys. I officially go back to work full time tomorrow. So sad! But at least I'll get to see Mark more often. :-)

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