Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We have enjoyed celebrating Christmas with both sides of the family. We made it to Hesston in time for a full-on blizzard including high winds and lots of snow. Of course we escaped the heavy snow and wind of northwest Kansas whereas mom, dad, and all the rest of that family are in the ice and heavy snow area. Mark's excitement was that he saw a "large" oppossum that only he and his mom saw. It has come down from weighing 80 pounds to about 40. Shawna is still skeptical that is was quite that big. But overall we are enjoying our Christmas break even though Shawna is very sad she can't eat all the goodies. But just wait until March, she will have her Christmas snacks then!
Mark's photo of the "creature" doesn't really help his case!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow Days

I love snow days!! And watching it snow makes it more fun still! I made tassies and mint brownies. I have also wrapped some presents so now our tree is not lonely! Just think of the things that I could accomplish with another snow day!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

So much excitement

We have had all kinds on excitement the last couple weeks. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Atwood (where Shawna made the pies!) and then a nice trip to Denver for cousin Chelsey's wedding. After that, we did some leaf raking and Christmas decorating at home. What excitement. Oh, and of course we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary on the 1st and we got to see our son that night on another sonogram. He waved at us and it was very cute!